Local Prospective Parliamentary Candidates for General Election 2024

Cambridge – Sarah Nicmanis

Sarah - Cambridge

Sarah has lived in Cambridge for over 20 years. As a mother who has worked in the housing and teaching sectors, she has observed the inequality of opportunity that is so striking in Cambridge.

Sarah says, “An obsession with growth has left Cambridge with threatened water supplies, a stripped-back green belt, a broken transport system, unaffordable house prices and shocking inequality. The Greens are the only local party challenging ‘business as usual’.

“Our record of listening to, and working with, residents saw the Cambridge Green Party draw level for second place in the May elections. There is now a real opportunity in Cambridge to send a strong environmental and social justice message to the next government. Want Green? Vote Green!”

Ely and East Cambridgeshire – Andy Cogan

Andy - Ely and East Cambridgeshire

Andy has lived, worked and volunteered in the Ely and East Cambs constituency for 25 years. He spent over 20 years as a lecturer and college manager. From 1999 to 2013 he ran COVER, a regional charity that did EU funded regional projects to boost the skills & employment of people furthest from the labour market. He chaired Reboot Cambridge Community Interest Company for 12 years that processed almost 300 tons of Computer ICT equipment for reuse and recycling which now has a home inside Emmaus, based in Landbeach. He’s currently a volunteer facilitator at a monthly dementia sufferers café and an active member of the Newmarket and Ely Universities of the Third Age. He has also spent time as a district councillor, was chairman of public service and personnel committees, was a council representative on a regional health authority, and was a lecturer’s union branch secretary. He reads, he writes. He bikes.

If elected, Andy will support measures that give local communities the power to say no to inappropriate developments that don’t address local needs, wants and aspirations. He will campaign to improve our public services, and to reduce the widening wealth gap between rich and poor and young and old. He will also campaign to repatriate our wealth that foreign interests who own utilities, such as Anglia Water, through privatisation and deregulation, are sucking out of Britain.

South Cambridgeshire – Miranda Fyfe

Miranda - South Cambridgeshire

Miranda has lived in Cambridgeshire for over 30 years. An active member of the Stapleford village community, she has been a committee member of the school PTA, treasurer of the local tennis club and the support officer of a local charity.

As an NHS manager for ten years, working in both acute care and then end of life care, Miranda values our public sector and has experienced the disruption following poor government decisions. She joined the Green Party to champion real change, as major political parties failed to adequately address the huge environmental challenges we face.

If elected, Miranda plans to hold the new government to account, fight to protect our environment and achieve genuine public sector change.

St. Neots and Mid Cambridgeshire – Kathryn Fisher

Kathryn - St. Neots and Mid Cambridgeshire

Kathryn grew up in Cambridgeshire, studied at Cambridge University and now works as a landscape designer in the county. During the pandemic, she volunteered as the coordinator for Cambridge Community Kitchen, serving hot meals to help tackle food poverty. Cambridgeshire is one of the most unequal and nature-deprived places in the UK. If elected Kathryn would champion sustainable housing developments that benefit residents, an electrified East West Rail that takes people where they want to go, and investment in the green belt to improve biodiversity and habitat creation.

Kathryn hopes to be voice for young people in this country who have been continuously let down by the past 14 years of Tory rule. In this time, inequality has increased, hate crime has risen and the gender pay gap has stagnated. Kathryn joined the Green Party because it recognises that we are not born equal and that there are deeply entrenched systems in place that sustain this inequality. Kathryn is standing in the general election to champion change, to break down these systems so that everyone in this country benefits and to bring a fresh positive energy to the political landscape.