The Green Party campaigns for fair, green policies that make life better. We’d love you to join us for a greener Cambridge & South Cambridgeshire!
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Cambridge & South Cambridgeshire Green Party is run by volunteers and we always welcome more help. If you’re interested, please fill in the volunteer form and we’ll be in touch.
Latest News
- Greens warn Labour’s growth-at-all-costs plans will plunge Cambridge and its residents into Green Party AdminCambridge and South Cambridgeshire Green Party is sounding the alarm over Labour’s ambitious growth proposals for the Cambridge area. Chancellor Rachel Reeves has vowed to go “further and faster” to deliver an Oxford-Cambridge Growth Corridor and the Labour-controlled Cambridge City Council’s proposed budget is designed to support that strategy. But local Greens have warned that… Read more: Greens warn Labour’s growth-at-all-costs plans will plunge Cambridge and its residents into crisis.
- Greens Call for urgent investment in social housing, climate action, and fair wagesby Green Party AdminFollowing the Chancellor of the Exchequers speech today, the Greens have expressed deep concerns about the current economic strategy by the Labour Government and the devastating impact it will have on the most vulnerable members of society. Green County council candidate, Kathryn Fisher explained: “The Chancellor is desperately scrabbling around for a plausible magic growth… Read more: Greens Call for urgent investment in social housing, climate action, and fair wages
- Greens call for urgent action following publication of regulators’ reviews of the water industryby markeCambridge Water Failures Pose Threat To Environment And Water Supply The annual reviews by Ofwat, the Environment Agency and the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) of the performance of England’s water companies were published on 21 October 1. Jean Glasberg, Green Party City Councillor, says: “These letters make shocking reading. They provide… Read more: Greens call for urgent action following publication of regulators’ reviews of the water industry
- Kathryn Fisher Selected as Green Party Candidate for Histon and Impington By-Electionby markeKathryn Fisher has been selected as Green Party candidate for the Histon and Impington by-election of 24 October 2024. More information here.
- Greens Call for Declaration of a Water Emergency in Cambridgeby markeUrgent action needed to tackle pollution, flooding and water shortages Cambridgeshire residents are facing rising water bills with proposed price hikes of 13-14%1. But we are confronted with polluted rivers and failing sewage treatment plants, dried up chalk streams, and both flooding and drought which are damaging agriculture, roads and other infrastructure and affecting our… Read more: Greens Call for Declaration of a Water Emergency in Cambridge