Fundraising for a Green Party Employee in Cambridge
Our Motivation
Support for the Greens is increasing rapidly throughout the country: Our wins at the recent Cambridge City Council elections are part of this wave. We want to build on and sustain this in Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire, but as a volunteer-driven organisation, our resources are spread thinly.
Locally and nationally, one crisis is following hot – literally – on the heels of the last: The climate, energy and transport and land-use, the cost-of-living and those seeking asylum in the UK. Workers have been forced to strike to demand a living wage, but meanwhile the government is actively reversing hard-won sustainability guidelines, seeking to limit the right to protest and to strike. More than ever, we need more Greens elected to help in the fight against this.
Our Target
To meet this challenge, our aim is to raise funds for our election campaigns and ideally we aim to hire a staff member to help us win future elections by connecting better with volunteers, and to prevent volunteer burn-out. With by-elections coming up, more district elections next year and the prospect of a General Election for which we have just selected two great candidates (Sarah Nicmanis in Cambridge and Oli Fisher in South Cambs), a staff member would make a real difference for our campaigning. We are seeking to raise £20,000.
Your generosity
The well-being of our communities and indeed the fate of the planet depends on the implementation on green and equitable policies.
We offer three ways to engage (Please use Fundraising 2024 as reference)
1 Use this QR code to donate via paypal
or use for a paypal donation
2 Click here to donate with a credit card, for bank transfers please use Sort Code 16-58-10, Account Number 0325 0700 (Cambridge and South Cambridge Green Party).
3 If you can assist us in the fundraising effort through your own family or social networks, please email or call Bob, our donor relations lead, at 0781 305 66 10
Please help us in this effort!