Alternative to the Cambourne busway could bring greater benefits at smaller cost

Independent charity Cambridge Past, Present and Future (Cambridge PPF) has put forward a proposal which they say would have a far greater benefit to cost ratio than the Cambourne to Cambridge busway proposed by the Greater Cambridge Partnership. Cambridge & South Cambridgeshire Green Party is calling on Cambridgeshire County Council to properly consider this alternative solution.

The Green Party is in favour of investing in and improving public transport and recognises the need for a better bus service for residents from Cambourne and Bourn to access Cambridge. However, the party remains strongly opposed to the Greater Cambridge Partnership proposal, which would cost a minimum of £160 million while saving just three minutes on a 30-minute journey. If built, the busway will cut through Green Belt land including the West Fields, involve the loss of hundreds of trees in Coton Orchard and cause irreversible damage to landscape and habitats.

Jean Glasberg, newly elected Green City Councillor for Newnham, said “The busway was a key issue on the doorstep during the recent election. It is an expensive and ineffective solution that does not provide a good service or value for money and would cause huge environmental harm that cannot be offset by biodiversity net gain elsewhere. I hope that the members of the County Council will take this opportunity to have a rethink and allow a proper evaluation of a route which is a fraction of the cost, has better connectivity, and does not cause irrevocable damage.”

The County Council will vote next week [Tuesday 16th May] on a motion to have the Cambridge PPF proposals formally assessed by independent transport experts so that an impartial report on both options can be presented to the Council. The report should explore the benefit-to-cost ratio of both proposals, their impact on the environment, timescales and how they fit as part of a coherent transport strategy for the region. The Green Party, which does not currently have representation on the County Council, urges Councillors to vote in favour of this motion.

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