Help keep your local party running
Cambridge & South Cambridgeshire Green Party is run by volunteers and we always welcome more help. If you’re interested, please fill in the volunteer form and we’ll be in touch.
Below and in no particular order are just some of the things we do. Basically, whatever your skills or interests we probably have a role for you!
- Deliver leaflets (all year round, not just at election time!)
- Develop our local party policies
- Take part in action days to get more Greens elected
- Organise social events
- Write letters to the local papers
- Draft press releases
- Support our Green Councillors by drafting questions to Council, taking notes at public meetings, and in many other ways
- Stand as Green candidates in local elections
- Develop and maintain our websites
- Help run our social media accounts
- Fundraising
- Write, design and print leaflets
- Organise election campaigns in key wards
- …. so much more!